Monday, August 4, 2008

Best acne treatment available and acne treatment reviews

Studies show that there are numerous factors that could affect the growth of acne in one's face. But there are also many ways to effectively remove acne. Acne removal tips vary from natural herbs to the most expensive medical treatment available. There is also do-it-yourself acne removal techniques which only involves the use of ingredients commonly found in the kitchen. Whether you opt to remove your acne using traditional inexpensive methods or modern technology's way, make sure that you have read a lot about the different options that are available for acne removal.
It is also found that a diet that contains a moderate amount of zinc can help to reduce the effects of acne in the body. Zinc helps to keep the skin clear. Some foods that are very high in zinc are proteins, dark meats contain higher zinc contents then white meat, also peanuts and beans contain zinc. Zinc can also be taken in 50 mg tabs for as long as you need, and reduced as the acne subsides.
Just like Aloe Vera, tea tree oil has the same bacteria fighting affect to help fight acne. It contains Terpenes, which is a bacteria fighting substance that helps to clear up acne. Acne is generally caused by some form of bacteria, so this can be very helpful. One very good thing about tea tree oil is there are little to no side effects at all.
tags: acne and aubrey moisturizer and review, tips on how to get rid of terrible acne fast, fever headaches acne tired early pregnancy

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