Saturday, September 27, 2008

Best laser treatment for acne scars

« ...While topical treatments might temporarily remove a zit here and there, and maybe even clear your face up entirely, that same bad bacteria is still in your body and will reveal in the form of acne again! Your face goes back to looking like a pizza and what do you do? Go back to the store and pick up some more acne cream. NO! The only easy way to remove it for good is to replace that bad bacteria with GOOD bacteria in the internal system of your body. Eating healthy is a great way to do that, but for a concentrated attack on that bad bacteria you need something else; any type of vitamin containing high levels of ACIDOPHILUS will not only be incredibly healthy for your body, but will replace that bad bacteria with the rejuvenating bacteria your body needs to function. This is a process that will not only clear your face up, but will leave you feeling better about yourself and your health. Taking 3 acidophilus pills a day will slowly feed "healthy" back into your face, making it smooth and lovely once again....
...There are also homeopathic acne treatments available, though it is probably a good idea to discuss these with your physician before embarking on a course of homeopathic treatments. Many of these remedies have not been clinically tested, so exercise some caution with them. Alternative acne treatments can be effective for your case, as can simple skin care as a preventative measure....»
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«...So what happens when these common over the counter acne products are ineffective? Usually, a trip to the dermatologist is in order but sometimes this comes with a number of caveats a well. For example, some prescription acne medicines come with a number of side effects. Anti-acne cortisone shot can make a person incredibly drowsy for days. Then, there is the HIGHLY controversial prescription Accutane which seeks to close the pores so acne does not return. This drug requires weekly blood tests to monitor the liver due to the potential for liver damage. Yes, the drug is that dangerous! Now is it clear why there is such a demand for natural acne treatments?...»
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tags: have more acne on one side of my face, healthy skin care for acne, how does selenuim help acne skin

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