Monday, June 2, 2008

Acne clearing belly pregnancy and cure for aggressive adult acne

Orange colored fruits and vegetables contain beta-carotene. The body can convert beta-carotene to Vitamin A. The benefits of Retinol can be heightened by consumption of foods such as carrots, oranges, acorn squash, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, peaches and tangerines.
A clean tissue or clean gauze should be used to wash the area of skin onto which pus has settled. The skin in that area needs to receive a 2-step treatment-first application of hydrogen peroxide and then application of an antibiotic ointment.
Having acne can be very stressful. This is especially so if you are preparing for some important occasions like a job interview or going on a date. You may be tempted to pop that zit hoping it will just vanish. But it doesn't work that way. If you pick on the pimple, you may end up with a red scar the next day that looks ten times worse than before. Now you will have a new problem to deal with - acne scar.
tags: best acne lotion, acne pimples, causes of chin acne

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