Monday, June 2, 2008

How to get rid of acne scars overnight and acne break out forehead allergy

Throughout history acne sufferers have used all natural and herbal remedies to treat their acne. These treatments are safe enough to use on our skin and effective enough to treat our acne. Why is it that not many of us know about these natural cures? It's that we are a nation of technology. We use the newest state of the art products. Simply put, we have gotten so wrapped up in "what's new and improved" that we have a hard time seeing the benefit in simple natural options.
One of the more effective acne treatments is benzoyl peroxide, which is the active ingredient behind many different topical treatments such as Clearasil Max and ProActive. However, you have to be careful with benzoyl peroxide on your face because it could cause irritation of your skin. It is better used on thicker skin, and is therefore widely used for treating back acne. It not only possesses antibacterial properties but also promotes the flaking of dead surface skin cells.
The best cure for whiteheads is cleanliness. No amount of medicine can ever replace the glow of healthy skin. Soap and water can do wonders where other expensive creams and lotions will fail. In fact, since whiteheads are caused by the overactivity of the oil glands, it's best to avoid using cold creams and other greasy applications and cosmetics. This can only make the condition worse.
tags: microdermabrision acne scar, how can i get rid of acne, does crema de caracol really work for acne yahoo

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