Monday, June 2, 2008

Apricots digestive health acne and vitamin c and facial acne natural

The actual pimple is usually the result of bacteria entering an open skin pore causing the body to react with millions of white cells to destroy the invaders. As the white cells defend and die they cause an inflamed area that turns red (pimple) which over time becomes an even greater mass of dead cells that can form a pus pocket (white head). If a pimple isn't treated properly it can evolve into an acne scar, however, you can avoid scarring by treating acne breakouts early on.
One of the first, and perhaps best known treatments for mild acne is benzoyl peroxide. Benzoyl peroxide works two ways. First it helps to rid the skin of current pimples. Once this is no longer a problem, it helps to reduce and prevent breakouts. Benzoyl peroxide does this by removing dead skin cells from the pores to keep them from clogging and causing acne. It also helps to kill bacteria that cause inflammation, redness and heat associated with the breakout of both black and white head pimples.
The result of the study was surprising to Dr. Kimball. There are no significant changes in the numbers of pimples on the backs and chests of the participants in each of the 3 groups. Most people and even doctors believe sweating will result in more pimples. This result disproves the acne myth that sweating will lead to the formations of more pimples. Now you will not be able to use acne as an excuse for not wanting to exercise.
tags: how to remove acne marks, guidelines for treatment of cystic acne bunker dermatology, natural remedies acne mask

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